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Events Calendar

Commodores' 2 Race
Sunday 19 February 2023, 10:30am - 12:00pm
Hits : 1205
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In February 2023 the Commodore elect is Robin Tothill. For a limited time only his wife, Louise Tothill, will still be Commodore of the Essex Yacht Club. To mark this historic occasion there will be a dinghy race on Sunday 19th February 2023.
Both Commodores will take part in the race and invite members of the LSC and EYC of all ages to join in.
Date 19th February.
Start 1030, LSC start line.
Course TBA.
Prize giving onboard HQS Wilton.
Reasonably priced post-race bar snacks will be available.
Everyone is welcome whether racing or celebrating the occasion.
Robin and Louise Tothill.