The plan is to get the boats in the water and away from the wharf as early as possible.
Regrettably, the prom will have to be closed for parking until all operations are finished.
David Giles.
Saturday 26th April 2025
Bar open 7pm
Live music with St Georges Band and Caller
Wild West Food
Just £10pp, Cadets Go Free
Members, family and friends welcome
Sign up on the noticeboard
or email Daniella on
See Y'all there
The 2023 Sailing Programme with the Race Officer and Support Boat Crewing rotas allocated to the end of July 2023 is attached. The rotas have been allocated by Steve Corbet and Robin Tothill taking into account the availabilities notified to us following the initial circulation of the programme. Would you please check the assignments and enter them into your diaries. We will try to send out reminders to those with upcoming duties each week when possible. If you are UNABLE to fill a duty, we ask that YOU make every effort to swap the duty or find a replacement, if you fail to turn up for a duty you may be preventing others from racing.
Thanks, Steve Corbet and Robin Tothill.
The payment requests for subscriptions and rack fees have been sent out. If you are due to pay these and have not received an email, please check your spam folders and/or contact me.
John Charles
Hon. Treasurer
The Leigh on Sea SC Brass Monkey Trophy – 3 Brass Monkeys mounted on a polished wooden base dates back to the early 1950’s. The race is traditionally sailed on Boxing Day when the tide and weather allow. This year the weather and tide were as good as it ever gets, sunshine, a steady force 4 West Southwest wind and an early afternoon spring tide, some might have liked it a bit warmer but after the extreme cold earlier in December 10°C was warm. 24 home boats from LSC and our neighbours the Essex YC were joined by 12 visitors from Thorpe Bay, Benfleet, Wembley and Warash.